Tatarstan enterprises are opening export routes to the Persian Gulf

The Halal Standard Committee of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republic of Tatarstan is undergoing the final stage of international accreditation at the GAC Accreditation Center.
Today, at the residence of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republic of Tatarstan, a meeting was held between the Mufti of the Republic of Tatarstan Kamil hazrat Samigullin and the auditors of the GCC Accreditation Center – GAC Farhan Alanazi Samih, Haitham Al-Hashemi and the Chairman of the Halal Committee Abbyas hazrat Shlyaposhnikov. The parties assessed the level of development of the halal industry in the Republic of Tatarstan, discussed the prospects for the export of Tatarstan halal products, and shared international experience.
Thanks to the accreditation of the Gulf Standards Committee (GSO) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (SMIC), Tatarstan halal product manufacturers will be able to obtain a certificate without leaving the republic. Halal certification according to international standards opens the way for exports from the Gulf countries to Qatar, Kuwait and Oman.
The certificate can be obtained for halal food products, catering, cosmetics and detergents.
GCC Accreditation center auditors Farhan Alanazi Samih and Haisam Al-Hashemi arrived in Kazan to assess the work of the Halal Standard Committee as a certification body. The Committee’s experts conducted a number of audits at halal enterprises, where foreign representatives acted as observers. The documentation and internal processes of the Halal Committee were also subject to audit assessment.
The very fact of passing international accreditation and the visit of GAC auditors indicates the recognition of the Halal Standard Committee of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republic of Tatarstan at the international level. In the future, the Halal Committee aims to obtain accreditation from SASO and SFDA (export to Saudi Arabia) and ENAS (export to the UAE).
Press service of the Halal Standard Committee