Muslims Waiting for Lilat ul-Qadr – Nights of Predestination
In the coming days, Muslims await the coming of the Night of Predestination, which is considered the most significant night of the holy month of Ramadan. In the Quran, this night is mentioned in Surah al-Qadr, as the moment at which excerpts from the Quran were sent to the Messenger of the Most High. It is believed that on this night the Almighty is especially attentive to the requests of believers, and therefore Muslims spend the night reading the Quran and performing prayers. The name of the Night of Predestination is due to the fact that it is on this night that the fate of Muslims for the coming year is believed to be predetermined. The exact date of this night is unknown, as a rule, it falls on the last 10 days of the month of Ramadan, so this year is the night of June 10-11.