KazanForum 2024 Committee results

The international economic forum “Russia – Islamic World KazanForum 2024” has come to an end – on May 19, the final major event within the forum was held – “Izge Bolgar Zhyeny”, dedicated to the Day of Adoption of Islam by Volga Bulgaria.
The Halal Standard Committee of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in many events at the forum. Let’s note the main ones:
– Signing of a memorandum with the “Center for Development of Halal Industry” under the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic;
– Speech by Abbyas Hazrat Shlyaposhnikov, Chairman of the Committee, at the sessions “For 50 years ahead, creating a personnel training system for the Halal industry” and “Future-oriented Standardization and regulation of Halal”;
– Meetings of the Chairman of the Committee with high-ranking guests;
– Participation in a press conference on the topic “Muslim-Friendly” for RBC (one of the largest multimedia holdings in Russia);
– Several companies from the Committee’s register became exhibitors at Russia Halal Expo and Kazan Halal Market;
– After the completion of Izge Bolgar zhyena Abbyas, hazrat Shlyaposhnikov took part in a meeting of the Plenum of the Muslim Religious Board of the Republic of Tatarstan, chaired by the Mufti of Tatarstan Kamil, hazrat Samigullin.
In addition to this, the following took place:
– Participation in the organization of 2 sessions within the framework of the Forum’s business program: the session “For 50 years ahead, the creation of a personnel training system for the Halal industry” and the session “Muslim-Friendly service according to Halal standards”);
– Preparation and supervision of the site of the Kazan Agro-Industrial Park for the Kazan Halal Market;
– Analysis of exhibitors’ products, including media content.
Press service of the Halal Standard Committee