As part of KazanSummit 2022, the Halal Standards Committee held a panel discussion
May 20, 2022 within the framework of the XIII International economic summit “Russia – the Islamic world: KazanSummit 2022” at the site of Russia Halal Expo, a “Session on the accreditation of Halal certification bodies in the Russian Federation and in the OIC countries” was held, organized by the Halal Standards Committee and the Centralized religious organisation – religion board of muslims of the Republic of Tatarstan with the support of World Halal day.
During the session, the following issues were considered and discussed: the search for ways to unify halal certification standards, the exchange of experience with foreign colleagues and the creation of a unified national halal accreditation system.
The speakers were heads of state bodies, representatives of Russian and international bodies for accreditation, standardization and certification, including:
Ihsan Ovut, Secretary General of SMIIC (Turkey), spoke about the “OIC/SMIIC Halal Standards and Halal Quality Infrastructure”.
Zafer Soylu, Chairman of the Board (HAK) of the Halal Accreditation Agency of the Republic of Turkey, commented on “The Role of Trust in Halal Trade”.
Marzuki Hassan, General Director of JAKIM (Malaysia), made a presentation on the topic: “Accreditation of Halal Certification Bodies in an OIC Member Country”.
Marina Patyashina, Head of the Department of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Republic of Tatarstan, emphasized the importance of complying with food safety and quality requirements, as well as confirming halal labeling with a certificate of conformity.
Rustam Khasenevich, Head of the BelHalal Center for Standardization, Deputy and Official Advisor to the Mufti of Belarus, reviewed the “Development of Halal certification bodies through accreditation in the Islamic world.”
Aidar Gazizov, Head of the Halal International Center for Standardization and Certification of the Council of Muftis of the Russian Federation, in his speech highlighted the accreditation of certification bodies as a key condition for the successful development of the Halal industry.
Dr. Vinay Dahlan, Director of the Halal Science Center, Chulalongkorn University, shared with the panellists information and features of accreditation and certification of halal products in Thailand.
В завершении сессии председатель Комитета по стандарту «Халяль» ДУМ РТ Аббяс хазрат Шляпошников подчеркнул важность рассмотренного на сессии вопроса аккредитации органов по сертификации Халяль, выразил слова благодарности спикерам и вручил памятные подарки.
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